On 19 February, 2016, Melissa Lombard from Perth Adult Speech Pathology presented a talk on communication and swallowing difficulties experienced by people with different neurological conditions. She also covered ideas on “safe swallowing”, how to best optimise communication with others and communication aids that may help people to get their message across.

The meeting was held at the Centre for Neurological Support at the Niche, Nedlands, WA. An interesting

IMG_4687discussion and question time then took place with individuals who have a range of neurological conditions as well as other interested health professionals.

Melissa would like to thank the Wellness Team at the Neurological Council of WA (NCWA) for inviting her along to this very special group. Thanks also go to everyone who came along and contributed to the discussion by sharing their own experiences.


Melissa is still enjoying small nibbles from the chocolate Easter chicken………unfortunately the lovely bottle of wine did not last as long!


According to the World Health Organisation (2007), up to a billion people worldwide are affected by more than a thousand different neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neurone Disease, brain tumours and CVA (stroke). In Western Australia, that may be as many as 1 in 8 people.
